When it comes to new year’s resolutions, people around the world have been promising themselves to do things differently in the new year for centuries. Whether that means travelling somewhere new for vacation, starting (and sticking with) a new hobby, or pursuing professional development goals, the new year is full of possibilities.
At Co-op Bank, we support all your new year resolutions and goals, from healthier lifestyles to entrepreneurship, and everything in between, like saving for university or financing your dream home. This year, we’d like you to add something else to your list – investing. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it sounds, and you don’t need to win the lottery to start. Let’s look at how our wealth management services can help you meet your financial goals through investment.
Meeting Your Financial Goals Through Investment
An investment is an asset that you buy with the expectation that it will generate income or increase in value over time. Investing, then, is a way to put your money to work to reap the rewards in the future.
Before we can discuss how Co-op Bank can help you meet your financial goals through investment, let’s define some other key terms:
- Securities: financial products or instruments issued by companies or governments to raise capital. There are two main types of securities: Equity and Debt.
- Equity (also referred to as stocks or shares): ownership in a company that comes with specific rights, including the ability to share in profits and to earn capital gain on the sale of your securities.
- Debt Security: a loan that investors make to the issuing company or government. Debt securities include treasury bills, notes and bonds with varying maturities, beginning at 91 days.
- Dividend: a periodic income payment from the profits of a company made to its shareholders.
Investing in Grenada
The Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange (ECSE) is the securities exchange that operates the Eastern Caribbean Securities Market (ECSM) within the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU). A Broker-Dealer is needed to buy or sell securities on the ECSM. Grenada Co-operative Bank Limited (GCBL) is Grenada’s only licensed Broker-Dealer on the ECSM, which means that through Co-op Bank, you can invest in ECSM-listed securities as well as in unlisted securities issued in Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
About Co-op Bank’s Wealth Management Services
GCBL has been a licensed ECSE Broker-Dealer since 2015 and offers a range of investment solutions and services for individuals and businesses, such as investing in equities and debt instruments. Our wealth management team can also facilitate the raising of capital through the issuance of equity and debt securities. To get started on your investment journey, you will need to establish a brokerage relationship with GCBL as your broker. Then, one of our licensed wealth management representatives will meet with you to discuss your investment goals and objectives, your current financial obligations and your risk appetite. Together, you will create an investment roadmap that works for you.
It is important to note that while investments provide an opportunity to earn returns greater than the interest paid on regular savings accounts and allow for greater growth in value over time, the risk is higher. Therefore, you should only invest if you are prepared to take on the risk that the investment value may fluctuate. As a new investor, start by investing what you can afford to lose.
Get started on your investment journey this new year. Our wealth management representatives are ready to assist. To learn more about investing and Co-op Bank’s wealth management services, visit https://www.grenadaco-opbank.com/investment/