Fees and Charges
Although competitive, our fees and charges are designed to suit your pocket. We remain committed to transparency and accountability. Learn more about our rates below.
We continue to ensure that:
- There is full disclosure of fees, charges and penalties
- Our account fee structures are simple and transparent
- Our fees and charges are competitive and affordable
Although competitive, our fees and charges are designed to suit your pocket. We remain committed to transparency and accountability. Learn more about our rates below.
We continue to ensure that:
- There is full disclosure of fees, charges and penalties
- Our account fee structures are simple and transparent
- Our fees and charges are competitive and affordable
New Chip Cards
Everyday payments made easy
Simple, quick and secure payments. Pay on the go with the contactless feature
Apply Now- Deposit Services
- Payroll
- Payments
- Wire Transfers
- Bills of Collection
- Lending
- Bonds and Guarantees
- Security Services and Safe Deposit Boxes
- Card and Merchant Services
- Electronic Banking
- Citizenship by Investment Program
- Other Fees and Charges
Deposit Services Charges
Certificate of Balance/Bank Statement
Account closed within 3 months
Account closed within 6 months
Cheques certified at drawer's request
Cheques certified at payee's request
Dormant notices
Third party withdrawal
Over the counter transactions that can be done at the ATM (cash withdrawals less than $2,500.00)
Commercial cash deposits above $10,000.00
0.15% on the excess amount
Request for transfer
Statement request fee (for other banks)
Audit confirmations
Statement request fee (hard copy)
Statement request fee (soft copy)
Returned cheques - NSF
Returned cheques - other
Stop payments - local and foreign
Cheque books - 25 leaves
Cheque books - 50 leaves
Cheque books - 100 leaves
Cheque books (Current/Business account)
$0.10 per leaf (stamp duty)
Ledger fees (Current/Business account)
$2.25 per transaction min. $25.00. For overdrafts, $2.25 per transaction min. $28.75
Credit report
'Not on us' cheque handling fee
Search for physical vouchers
$100.05 per item
Search for electronic vouchers
$28.75 per item
Electronic video image search
Copying fee (sundry)
$5.46 per sheet
Certificate of interest for income tax purposes
Cash management service
Sale of bulk cash
0.5% on all bulk cash $30,000.0+, plus 15% VAT
Account Maintenance Fees (Savings Accounts)
$3.00 per month applied quarterly
Account Maintenance Fees (Chequing Accounts)
$5.00 per month applied quarterly
Payroll Charges
Manual letters of instructions for salary processing
Electronic instructions for salary processing
Payroll – Online Portal
$5.75 (VAT Inclusive) PLUS $0.50 per entry
Payments Charges
Electronic Fund Transfer (In-branch)
Electronic Funds Transfer (Online)
Original Credit Transactions (OCT)
2.15% on transactions $100.00 and above
Local draft
$17.25 + stamp duty
Foreign draft
$28.88 + stamp duty
Replacement Draft - Local
Stop payment charge - $34.50 + cost of new draft - $17.25 + stamp duty
Replacement Draft - Foreign
Stop payment charge - $34.50 + cost of new draft - $28.88 + stamp duty
Commission on Foreign Drafts (Foreign cheques negotiated)
Standing order set-up (one time charge)
Standing orders - internal transfer
Standing orders - internal transfer to a third party
Standing orders - external transfer (local)
Standing orders - external transfer (foreign)
Letter of instruction to pay third party (wire transfer, Manager's cheque, etc.)
Postal money order
Wire Transfers Charges
Outgoing wire transfer - in-branch (USD, CAD, GBP, EUR)
Outgoing wire transfer (BBD, ECD)
Outgoing wire transfer - in branch (TTD)
Outgoing wire transfer - online (USD, CAD, GBP, EUR)
Incoming wire transfer (USD)
USD $23.00
Incoming wire transfer (CAD)
CAD $23.00
Incoming wire transfer (GBP)
GBP 11.50
Incoming wire transfer (EUR)
EUR 11.50
Incoming wire transfer (ECD)
TTD $94.00
Incoming wire transfer (ECD)
ECD $23.00
Tracer for outgoing wire transfer
USD $220.00
Recall of outgoing wire transfer
USD $220.00
Bills of Collection Charges
Collection commission
1% + 15% VAT on the first $25,000 (min. $77.05); and 0.75% + 15% VAT over $25,000
Holding commission (per month, or part thereof)
$86.25 per month or part thereof
Delivery orders
Shipping guarantees
Payments to agents - local
Payments to agents - foreign
Altering tenure of bills (extending due date)
Bills paid by installments (per installment fee)
Endorsing shipping goods (per set)
Certificate of transfer of goods title (per set)
Insurance of goods (per $100 per month)
Protesting fee
$146.05 + solicitors' fees
Discharged bills
Cheques sent for collection
Air freight guarantee
Schedule of outstanding bills
Statement of past due bills
Reshipping goods
$146.05 + out of pocket expenses
Return charge
Lending Charges
New Retail Loans: Minimum $1,000 and Upwards
1% of the loan amount plus 15% V.A.T. or a min. of $431.25
New Commercial Loans: Minimum $1,000 and Upwards
1.25% of the loan amount plus 15% V.A.T. or a min. of $475.00
Refinancing of current Retail Facilities
1% of the additional amount plus 15% V.A.T. or a min. of $431.25
Refinancing of current Commercial Facilities
1.25% of the additional amount plus 15% V.A.T. or a min. of $475.00
Addition to loan (due to insurance premium payment)
1% of the additional funds disbursed + 15% VAT (min. $431.25)
Addition to loan (due to valuation scheduling)
0.5% of the valuation fee + 15% VAT (min. $230.00)
Consolidating and restructuring current facilities
0.5% of the full amount + 15% VAT
Restructuring, rehabilitating or modifying delinquent facilities
0.5% of the full loan amount + 15% VAT
Statement of interest paid
Commitment fee
0.5% of any undrawn portion of an approved loan (commitment loan) plus 15% V.A.T.
Photocopy of security documents (first copy free)
$57.50 per document
Searches in security file
Loan statements
Annual O/D renewal fee
1% of current O/D limit plus 15% VAT (min. $431.25)
Overdrawn PCAs
$20.00 - Min. Interest
Excess of overdraft limit
$28.75 per cheque + 2% interest (min. $31.05)
Unauthorized excess of overdraft limit
Min. 2% over prevailing rate
Stamp Duty (e.g. guarantee and hold funds forms)
Late Payment Fee (10 days after due date)
Late financial statement fee (4 months after end of financial year end)
$313.95 per month for every month outstanding
Early loan repayment penalty (pay-off of mortgages only, by other financial institution)
For mortgage loans only. Six (6) months interest payable on the scheduled amortized balance at the point of pay-off.
Bonds and Guarantees Charges
Guarantees/performance and custom bonds
2% per annum + 15% VAT for the first $50,000; and 1% on excess + 15% VAT (min. $318.55)
Non-production of bill of lading
Guarantees/bonds, indemnities (without full cash collateral)
2% per annum + 15% VAT for the first $50,000; and 1% on excess plus 15% VAT (min. $203.55)
Guarantees/performance and custom bonds (with full cash collateral)
2% per annum + 15% VAT for the first $50,000; and 1% on excess + 15% VAT (min. $203.55)
Security Services and Safe Deposit Boxes Charges
Lost/broken key
Disposable wallets (per bag)
Disposable wallet - annual fee
Safe deposit box - 1.5"x5" (annually)
Safe deposit box - 3"x5" (annually)
Safe deposit box - 5"x5" (annually)
Safe deposit box - 10"x10" (annually)
Replacement of lock/broken key
$134.55 + cost of repairs
Box drilling
$200.05 + cost of drilling
Visits (4 free visits annually)
$19.55 per additional visit
Card and Merchant Services Charges
Debit card transaction fee - CONNEX ATM
Debit card transaction fee - CONNEX point of sale terminal
'Not on us' transactions - ATM
Debit card annual fee
Debit card replacement fee
Debit card transaction charge back fee
Debit card - Online Charge
Debit card rush order fee
Annual cardholder fee - Standard Credit Card (Principal cardholder)
Annual cardholder fee - Standard Credit Card (Each additional cardholder)
Annual cardholder fee - Premium Credit Card (Principal cardholder)
Annual cardholder fee - Premium Credit Card (Each additional cardholder)
Annual cardholder fee - Corporate Credit Card (first employee for first year)
Annual cardholder fee - Corporate Credit Card (first employee for each subsequent year)
Annual cardholder fee - Corporate Credit Card (each additional employee)
Credit card cash advance
2.15% of the advance amount (min. $11.50)
Charges in excess of credit card limit (per occurrence)
Late payment fee
3% of minimum amount due for any billing period (min. $22.00)
Limit Increase
Emergency Card Service
Credit card replacement fee
Merchant discount fee - each debit card transaction completed at terminal
3.00%-4.50% of the transaction value charged to the merchant + 15% VAT
Merchant transaction fee - credit card transactions
3.35% per transaction
User fee - manual point of sale terminals
User fee - wireless point of sale terminals
POS Rolls
$1.82 (VAT INCLUSIVE) per roll. $9.10 for a pack of five (5)
Damaged POS
Age – <2 years: $778.09 Age – 3-4 years: $518.72 Age – 5-7 years: $259.3 Age – 7+: No Fee
Non-Connex Cards at Connex ATMs
$8.10 per transaction
Registration fees - merchant set-up and parameter entry (one time set-up of merchant account)
Authorization fee
Merchant rate
4.00%-5.75% of card transaction value
Merchant annual fee
Merchant charge back fee (per item)
Electronic Banking Charges
Alerts - email and text
Availability fee
Payments to utilities, other parties
Budgeting analytics
Business/Corporate/Small Business package
Payments to utilities, other parties
2% or flat fee per account or invoice + 15% VAT
Citizenship by Investment Program Charges
Deposits to accounts
1% plus 15% VAT on every deposit made to CBI accounts
Outgoing wire transfers, drafts, etc.
Regular bank charges apply; customer exempt from 0.5% commission charged for wire transfers from USD accounts
Closing accounts
Other Fees and Charges
Paying agent orders - payments totaling up to ECD $3M (per year)
Paying agent orders - payments totaling between ECD $3M-$10M (per year)
Paying agent orders - payments totaling above EC $10M (per year)
Share transactions - Service fees
Share transactions - collateral/security usage of shares
Share transfers
$1.50 stamp duty
Letters of credit - confirmation (clean)
2% per annum of the L/C value (min. ECD $940.00)
Letters of credit - deferred payment/acceptance of commission (clean)
2% per annum of the deferred payment value (min. ECD $940.00)
Letters of credit - confirmation (cash covered)
1% per annum of the L/C value (min. ECD $940.00)
Letters of credit - payment
0.15% of the document value (min. ECD $820.00)
Letters of credit - advising
Letters of credit - SWIFT messages
$131.40 per presentation
Letters of credit - discrepancy fee
$325.00 per presentation
Letters of credit - amendment
$325.00 per amendment
Letters of credit - courier (international)
$162.00 per consignment